Homeless volunteers still lend a hand during ‘Juno’

Not even the most predicted intense blizzard could keep volunteers from helping others. According to an article from the Huffington Post,many volunteer organizations still delivered items to the homeless during the frigid temperatures this week. Organizations like The Coalition for the Homeless, God’s Love We Deliver, The Bowery Mission, and NYC Department of Homeless Services all made sure the homeless were fed and warm during Snowmaggedon 2015. The Coalition for the Homeless passed out blankets, sleeping bags, and winter apparel. God’s Love We Deliver, whom helps those living with HIV/AIDS, dropped off emergency “blizzard boxes” before the roads were deemed closed. And NYC Department of Homeless Services more than doubled it’s buses from five to eleven to transport homeless people to shelters. Read the full article here: A Blizzard Couldn’t Stop These People From Helping Those In Need

I enjoy reading about volunteers who are always thinking about others, even in some of the worst conditions. This past Christmas I volunteered at the Salvation Army in my hometown of Bradenton, Florida and it was the most eye opening experience.

salvation armyWe served a hot breakfast, passed out Christmas gift bags, and each person received one towel, one blanket, and a couple pairs of socks. Everyone who received these items was so grateful and it brought tears to my eyes because they were so excited to receive a $2 pair of socks.

After witnessing their joy and gratitude I decided I had to come back and help in some way…even if it meant pouring syrup on their pancakes and squirting ketchup on their plate to dunk their hash browns in.

Now it’s an early morning Sunday ritual when I am home.

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